
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Episode 379: Chapter 2, verses 42,43 and 44
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 “Yoga of Knowledge (Sankhya)” Verses 42,43,& 44
Lecture discusses how misinterpretation of Vedic literature promoted by some people created confusion in the society about the goal of life and the means to achieve it. They prescribe actions that result in rebirth after rebirth.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Episode 378: Chapter 2, verses 39, 40 and 41
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 “Yoga of Knowledge (Sankhya)” Verses 39, 40, & 41
Lecture discusses how even a little practice of Karma-Yoga relieves one from the great fear of death. There is no danger of wasted efforts and reverse effects. The lures of heavenly pleasures delude people and make them lose the focus of achieving everlasting happiness.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Episode 377: Chapter 2, verses 35 - 38
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 “Yoga of Knowledge (Sankhya)” Verses 35,36,37 & 38
Lecture discusses the downside of not performing one’s duties and win-win situations irrespective of the outcome in performing one’s duties diligently with equanimity of the mind.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Episode 376: Chapter 2, verses 32, 33 and 34
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 “Yoga of Knowledge (Sankhya)” Verses 32,33 & 34
Lecture discusses the importance of performing one’s duties. Duties are ordained by one’s nature and not performing them would create negative impressions on the mind.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Monday May 25, 2020
Episode 375: Chapter 2, verses 29, 30 and 31
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 “Yoga of Knowledge (Sankhya)” Verses 29,30 & 31
Lecture discusses the expressions of seekers on learning about the nature of the self. Some see it in wonderment, some talk about it in amazement; some hear about its wonderful nature and some become speechless on experiencing it. However, no one understands its real nature.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Sunday May 10, 2020
Episode 374: Chapter 2, episode 26, 27 and 28
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 “Yoga of Knowledge (Sankhya)” Verses 26,27, & 28
Lecture discusses the nature of the self from a perspective of a continuous cycle of birth and death. Bhagavan argues that even from that perspective, one must not worry about the consequences of performing duties in an adverse situation.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Monday Apr 27, 2020
Episode 373: Chapter 2, verses 23,24 and 25
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 “Yoga of Knowledge (Sankhya)” Verses 23,24, & 25
Lecture discusses the nature of the self as the imperishable, immutable reality, which is beyond perception and comprehension.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Episode 372: Chapter 2, verses 19 - 22
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 “Yoga of Knowledge (Sankhya)” Verses 19, 20, 21 & 22
Lecture discusses the relationship of our body with our self. Just as we acquire new clothes when our old clothes get worn out the imperishable - self leaves the body that has become unsuitable and acquires a new body.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Episode 371: Chapter 2, verses 17 and 18
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 “Yoga of Knowledge (Sankhya)” Verses 17, &18
Lecture discusses the imperishable nature of all-pervading supreme self and perishable nature of names and forms perceived by the senses.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Monday Mar 16, 2020
Episode 370: Chapter 2, verses 14, 15 and 16
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 “Yoga of Knowledge (Sankhya)” Verses 14,15 &16
Lecture discusses the nature of our experiences in the life of pleasure and pain, heat and cold, etc. and the guidance from Lord Krishna about how to deal with them.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Monday Mar 02, 2020
Episode 369: Chapter 2, verses 11, 12 and 13
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 “Yoga of Knowledge (Sankhya)” Verses 11,12 &13
Lecture discusses the concept of imperishable nature of the self and introduction of reincarnation in Bhagavad Gita.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Monday Feb 24, 2020
Episode 368: Chapter 2, verses 6 - 11
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 “Yoga of Knowledge (Sankhya)” Verses 6 through 10
Lecture discusses Arjuna’s surrender to Krishna seeking his guidance as his disciple in dealing with the confusing situation he was facing on the battlefield.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Episode 367: Chapter 2, verses 1- 5
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 “Yoga of Knowledge (Sankhya)” Verses 1 through 5
Lecture discusses the six schools of Philosophy and Lord Krishna’s initial response to Arjuna’s arguments for not fighting the war in the previous chapter.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Episode 366: Chapter 1, 44 - 47
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 1 “Yoga of Arjuna’s Grief” Verses 44 through 47
Lecture discusses Arjuna’s final argument for not fighting the war and his declaration to Krishna that it will be better for him to die at the hands of Kauravas without resisting as he realized that the war would have disastrous consequences for the society and the culture.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Episode 365: Chapter 1, verses 40 - 43
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 1 “Yoga of Arjuna’s Grief” Verses 40 through 43
Lecture discusses Arjuna’s argument how this act of war will destroy families and family values which in turn will destroy the society as the women without protection of men will get corrupt and will give rise to impure generation.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Episode 364: Chapter 1, verses 36 - 39
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 1 “Yoga of Arjuna’s Grief” Verses 36 through 39
Lecture discusses Arjuna’s willingness to give up his life to avoid committing the sin of waging war which destroys families.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Monday Jan 13, 2020
Episode 363: Chapter 1, verses 32 - 35
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 1 “Yoga of Arjuna’s Grief” Verses 32 through 35
Lecture discusses Arjuna’s conclusion that no good is going to come out of this war as the people for whom I wanted this kingdom and comforts are standing here ready to sacrifice their lives.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Monday Jan 06, 2020
Episode 362: Chapter 1, verses 28 - 31
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 1 “Yoga of Arjuna’s Grief” Verses 28 through 31
Lecture discusses Arjuna’s state of mind after he had a chance to review the people arrayed in both armies. He loses his enthusiasm to fight the war to win the kingdom back from the evil cousins.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Monday Dec 30, 2019
Episode 361: Chapter 1, verses 24 - 27
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 1 “Yoga of Arjuna’s Grief” Verses 24 through 27
Lecture discusses Arjuna’s observations of the people arrayed in both armies. He sees his kith and kin are standing there eager to kill each other.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Episode 360: Chapter 1, verses 19 - 23
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Bhagavad Gita Ch. 1 “Yoga of Arjuna’s Grief” Verses 19 through 23
Lecture discusses Arjuna’s state of mind when he asks Krishna to place his chariot in the middle of the two armies.
Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE